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Instrument manufacturer

The pointer meter factory from Taiwan was founded in 1977



Kunshan voltmeter manufacturer
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Working advantages of tachometer

2019-05-22 11:40:18

Kunshan tachometer manufacturer introduces the advantages of tachometer

Kunshan tachometer manufacturer

1. The static moment is large, the pointer is not easy to shake, and the anti vibration performance is strong.

2. Using single chip microprocessor, through software design, so high precision, strong anti-interference.

3. The hour meter adopts liquid crystal display and has no mechanical part, so it is more reliable and has a sense of the times.

Because the pointer indication is in line with the traditional recognition habits, and is convenient for computer remote processing and networking requirements, digital stepping motor instrument is the development trend of modern automobile instrument and motorcycle instrument. Switec's stepping motor has been widely used in various automobile, motorcycle and engineering machinery instruments at home and abroad. The micro stepping motor is a new type of special auto instrument accessories. The instrument designed by it not only conforms to the traditional recognition habits, but also meets the requirements of digital processing. It is an ideal accessory for modern instruments.

Previous: Tachometer classification2019-05-22 11:40:26
Next: Precautions for ammeter2019-06-06 11:40:37

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